Monday, November 26, 2012

vulgarity on a postage stamp

I do not swear. Well, at least, not in English.

I do not judge or cringe when I hear others swear; their use of language is totally up to them. On the occasion where someone might swear because of something that has gone terribly wrong or someone gets particularly hurt, I resort to Quebecois swears. But even at that, I do not swear in french very much.

ostie câlice tabarnak are the ones I use most often, usually in that order, though sometimes just câlice on it's own. Sometimes ostie tabarnak, sometimes ostie câlice.


ghost said...

if i knew french, i'd swear like a russian sailor.

Debstar said...

There are times when I am offended by others swearing, but generally it doesn't bother me.
There are times when I swear but generally I hold back.
However if people could read my mind they may be shocked at the language that goes on in there.

Sorry I haven't been around for awhile. I've been busy with the lead up to the big wedding which went well. Me, I'm still going strong.

Phil Plasma said...

I don't know about what anonymous said.

ghost; do russian sailors swear in french? Who'd have guessed that.

deb; it is a truly great thing that we haven't the ability to read minds, no matter what people might say. No worries about being away; marriages can have that effect on a person.